Consulting Services

Start-Up Services

What We Offer

Complete Handholding of Start-Up Entrepreneurs from Conception to Fruition

We specialize in complete hand-holding of Start-ups from Conception to Fruition. The process begins with

Identification of Start-Up Entrepreneurs 

Every 6 months, we invite applications of Start-Ups through our Start-Up program. This ensures that we have the right set of entrepreneurs who are willing to be mentored by GBS under the Start-Up Mentoring Program.

Brand Story Creation

The next step is to gather information about the Start-Up and create a Brand Story. This story is created by experts in the field of branding and story-telling. GBS ensures complete end-to-end service in this regard, right upto the execution of the story.

Digital Marketing  Strategy

It is extremely imperative to ensure that the Start-Up gets the visibility it deserves, for the purpose of branding as well as business development. Thus, it is very critical to position the Start-Up in the right space at the right time.

Operations Partnership (Strategic)

GBS offers professional support right from Conception to Fruition. To that extent, we help the entrepreneur define and refine the business strategy, to make it viable for take off, and also for ensuring that it shapes us to be a self-sustaining venture. GBS handholds the entrepreneur at all times and at all stages that the enterprise goes through.

Execution Partners

 Apart from Strategy, GBS also engages with entrepreneurs as execution partner for driving key functions of the start up, starting from Finance, to Marketing to Operations. This way, GBS ensure complete support and involvement in the execution of the various strategies outlined in mutual agreement with the entrepreneur.

Revenue Model Creation

The purpose of business is to make money. To ensure just that, GBS develops a Revenue Model for the Start-Up. We study the birth of the Start-up and ascertain that the Introduction Stage (Start-Up idea to initial operations to Go-to-Market for the Pilot) is all covered well from the revenue point of view. It is important that this initial investment is pumped in by the Start-Up itself.

Investment Solutions

Once the initial phase is taken care of, GBS introduces the Start-up to various fund and agencies who would provide the best investment solutions to take the business to the next level of growth and stability. This is a very critical and the most effort intensive phase in the Start-Up journey.

Enterprise Promotion on GBS platforms

 GBS shall offer the Start-Up an opportunity to promote it’s business within the GBS network. This service shall be provided as a complimentary service to Start-Ups who enroll for the complete program.

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